I'm still Alive

So much had happened in the past 2-3 weeks. Life changing decision has been made and I'm picking up all the effects in the next 60 days. Will def. talked more about it in a later date. However, I've been just working away and preparing the things that needs to be prepared as best as I can.

Otherwise, I'm just enjoying the warm weather.
  1. I reconnected with an old college friend who came back in town. (Good to see you!)
  2. Did a lot of shopping as well. (Haul post coming soon!)
  3. Two friends are leaving the country for new adventures. (Denmark!)
  4. Mom is coming in to NYC in July for a week. (Yaay!)
  5. Did a girls night out and brunch in Philly in one weekend. (Fun fun fun!)


If you want to follow me more on a daily basis, I am also available via Twitter @sariasoy85 and Instagram @sariasoy.

In the meantime, I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

x S

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