-3M Wedding Update


Kembali kita ke acara update-updatean kawinan. Sebenernya kalau dihitung bener sih hari ini lebih mengarah ke H - 3.5 bulan, tapi kalau dipikir-pikir sih 2 minggu sebelum hari H itu harusnya kita sudah ga ngapa-ngapain dan sudah masuk dalam waktu dipingit (yes), makanya gue kasih judul -3M Wedding Update.

The Great:

  1. Invitations – Waiting for the batch to be finished by end of month

  2. Photographer – Done

  3. Videographer – Done

  4. Pre-wedding / Engagement Photos – Done

  5. Venue – Done, altered menu - paid second down payment

  6. Wedding Shoes – Two pairs for the ceremony and reception, Done.

  7. Wedding Outfit – Fitting in Feb

  8. Reception Outfit – First fitting in mid December

  9. Midodaren Outfit – First fitting in mid December

  10. Wedding Car – Antique car provided by Dad

  11. Photobooth – Paid down payment – Background board finished, need to be submitted and be printed

  12. MC – Done

  13. Hotel – Done

  14. Paperwork / Marriage Permit – 90% Done.

The Anxious:

  1. Rings – will go to the jewelry store in few weeks

  2. Wedding jewelry – TBD

  3. Food – Need food tasting

  4. Bridesmaids – Fabrics are bought for 3 bridesmaids to be tailored.

  5. Honeymoon – Thinking of Cherry Blossom in Japan

  6. Decoration – Paid downpayment and sign contract. Need to get the details down.

  7. Groomsmen – Unsure

  8. Wall of Fame / Photo Gallery – Need to compile, print and curate photos

  9. Seserahan – Got few items but not much really.

  10. Hair and Makeup – Need to schedule test make-up

  11. Wedding Organizer – Still not secured

  12. Music – Hired a DJ – need to put together song mix. -  need sound system vendor.

  13. Siraman Outfit – Need to get this tailored

Kalo diliat sih list "The Anxious" nya lebih byk sekarang dibandingin dari update -5M. Tapi along the way baru ketauan items-items apa aja sih yang diperlukan detailsnya yang sebelumnya ga keliatan. Stress.

Pada intinya, tiap weekend selalu kita coba kerjain dan selesaikan meskipun mikirinnya bikin rambut botak (aselik). Harus tetap semangat :)



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